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How to Keep Your Elderly Parent Safe this Winter

5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Elderly Parent Safe This Winter

As the weather gets colder and winter sets in, it's important to make sure our elderly parents are safe. If they live alone, there are some simple things we can do to help them stay safe during the winter months. Here are five tips to get you started:



Check the weather forecast and plan ahead

Checking the weather forecast and planning ahead can help you know when to check in on your elderly parent, and if there is bad weather expected, you can help them prepare in advance.

Help them prepare their home for winter

There are some simple things you can do to help your elderly parent prepare their home for winter. Making sure they have adequate insulation and heating, as well as clearing any snow or ice from walkways and driveways, will help them stay safe and comfortable all season. Also make sure that their fire alarms are working and that the alarm systems are able to detect carbon dioxide.

Check in on them regularly

Checking in on your elderly parent regularly is one of the best things you can do to help them stay safe during winter. Give them a call, drop by for a visit, or send them a text to check in and make sure they're doing okay. Create a routine of checking on them if you have not yet.

Make sure they have a support network

A support network is a person or group of people who your elderly parents have constant communication with. This person or these people will know if there is a problem in the routine. I personally speak to my mom every day, if only for ten minutes, if I call her and she does not answer I give her an hour. I know factually that within that hour she will call me back. This is our routine, if she does not call back I have back up plan for someone to go and check on her. Thankfully we have never had this problem. If you do not have a network to consistently ensure your parents or elderly loved one’s are safe, you must get one. An emergency alert system is an alternate way to create your own security and support system.

Have an emergency plan in place

Do you have a emergency plan in place? Make sure you have systems in place for Falls, Natural Disasters, Fires or anything else you can think of, make sure that your elderly loved ones are fully educated and made aware of this plan and they know exactly what to do if they fall and cannot get up, or a fire starts. We do not know what the future holds, so lets just plan according to what we know is possible.

In conclusion

By following these simple tips, you can help your elderly parent or elderly loved ones stay safe during the winter months. Checking the weather forecast, preparing their home for winter, and checking in on them regularly will go a long way in keeping them safe and comfortable all season.

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